E-Z Lay Pipe Pex tubing comes taped solid, covered with a 4" flexible plastic drain tile and then coiled on a pallet for EASY transporting. This is a time saving radiant floor supply product.
This completely preassembled pipe includes:
- Two 1’’ Aqua-Therm PEX-AL-PEX
- One 1" Pex-Al-Pex feed line
- One 1" Pex-Al-Pex return line
- Two wraps of low-E closed-cell foil-faced aluminum insulation.
E-Z Lay Pipe Benefits

- Preassembled - Unroll and connect the ends. It's that easy!
- Flexible - No corners to buy; no corners to struggle with!
- Color-Coded Pex- No wasted time identifying lines; easy troubleshooting!
- Cut-To-Length - No leftover pieces - no waste!
- Affordable - With inexpensive E-Z Lay Pipe, now the wood stove can be placed where the wood is stacked.
- Efficient - One stove can be used to heat two houses - Stove can be located up to 300 feet away from houses.