Aqua-Therm 275 located in unheated area. Piped into home for forced air furnace and shop floor radiant heat. |
 Sheltered Stove Piping. |
 Aqua-Therm 275 unsheltered wood burner. |
 Aqua-Therm non-sheltered wood furnace with smoke exhaust system. |
 Aqua-Therm non-sheltered wood furnace with smoke exhaust system. |
 Aqua-Therm 345 wood furnace. Two-zone unsheltered wood burner used for home and shop heating. |
 Heat exchanger with blower attached. |
 Caddy Alterna: A high efficiency (90%) pellet or biomass pellet burning furnace |
 EPA Caddy Wood Burner |
 Max Caddy installed in basement with gas furnace backup. |
 PSG EPA Caddy forced air wood burner installed in basement. Used to heat upper and lower levels. |
 A-Maiz-Ing Heat Biomass Burner. Corn Burner tied to natural gas boiler for domestic heating |
 A-Maiz-ing Heat Biomass Boiler. Corn boiler is located 50' from home. It is used to heat a 1000 sq ft shop via forced air. |
 A-Maiz-Ing Heat corn boiler used in radiant floor heating system. |
 EcoTeck Francesca pellet stove Install. |
 Elana Steal 40,000 btu pellet stove. |
 Elena Airplus duct pellet stove. |
 GlowBoy pellet stove by bay window maintains comfort all winter long. |
 Glow Boy 47,000 BTU pellet stove with 120lb hopper. |
 Glow Boy Pellet Stove Insert. |
 Bayview pellet stove with 55 lb hopper. |
 Fireplace insert replaced with Osburn 2400. |
 Osburn 2400 Insert fitted into old fire place. Eliminates cold drafts & has an 8hr burn time. |
 Osburn 2300 wood stove |
 Osburn pellet stoves at shop. |
 Free standing pellet stove - 90lb hopper - 45,000btu. |
 Jamestown J2000. Gold trim, plate and legs installed in customers home. |
 Stoves at the store.From left to right- Osburn MF 45, Ecoteck Lora ducted, pellet stoves. |
 Natures Comfort pellet stove. NC 45 |
 Shop floor readied for cement pour Tubing is pressurized to 60psi to test for leaks. |
 Two zone piping for a basement and garage with domestic hot water down stream. |
 Water -to-air heat exchanger installed in plenum for forced air heating. |
 Gypcrete pour in basement of residence. |
 Transfer line from wood boiler to home. |
 Weil-McLain Ultra 96% efficient modulating boiler with PVC venting. Heats 6 zones and has 56 gal indirect hot water heat. |
 Radiant floor prepared for gypcrete pour in upper level kitchen. |
 Mix Valve used when heating domestic hot water. |
 Foam insulation sprayed around transfer lines. Foam 2'' to 3'' thick provides R15 to R20. |
 Radiant floor installation. |
 Double walled water-to-water heat exchanger is used to heat domestic hot water. |
 Pool Heating With Wood Burner. |
 Farm Show 2007 |
 NCB 575 Natures Comfort largest wood burner rated at 700,000btu at the factory with several smaller units, all ready for delivery. |
 Natures Comfort NCB 175 and NCB 575 loaded and ready for delivery. |
 A Natures Comfort GT220 at full burn with good dry wood. Heating two homes and small shop. |
 Natures Comfort NCB-120 piping in back of unit to home. |
 A Natures Comfort NCB120 at full burn with dry wood. Heating 3500 sq foot ranch home. |
 Natures Comfort Brown NCB250 installed for home heating this winter. |
 Harman Accentra Pellet Insert. 57 pound hopper, 42000 BTU unit comes with full insert and zero clearance box. Thermostat or room temp sensor auto modes. |